Musings of a bon vivant in Hong Kong

CookForFamily Day! Show the family love :)


Razlan of You Got Me Blogging, dropped me an email last month about Daniel’s (Daniel’s Food Diary, a Singaporean blog) #CookForFamily bloggers’ initiative, encouraging bloggers and hopefully their readers to cook a meal for their families. So what’s the point of it? The point is to show your loved ones a bit of love, to conjure up some family bonding time over a home-cooked meal, because frankly, in this day and age, and especially in HK, it’s just far too easy to just give your kitchen a miss and let someone else do the ‘hard work’ for you. The #CookForFamily initiative has mostly Singaporean participants, but Razlan, e-ting and I have decided to inject a bit of HK into the mix!

Home cooking doesn’t have to be fancy, it can be as simple as scrambled eggs on toast! I’m definitely NOT a gourmet cook. My Homegrown Food recipes were about as fancy as they get, and three times as much effort as I normally put in for my home meals! I have a few tried and tested recipes, the fail safe ones, and I usually bust those out if I cook for my boyfriend and friends.

Back home in London, my parents are the real deal when it comes to cooking. I LOVE eating at home. Definitely beats going out any day. I’m always especially blown away by their efforts at Christmas or Chinese New Year. They make cooking look so easy- if only I had their patience! Like this turkey my parents ‘casually’ cooked:

Or what about my mum’s home-made panetonne winter bombe and vanilla terrine with blackberry coulis:

Ridiculous right?! I need to learn from them. But right now, the best I can do are pastas, pies, risottos and my tried and tested banana bread. One day my girlfriends and I cooked a very cheesy Shepherd’s pie, a banana loaf and a walnut chocolate nut loaf. We had a loaf tin, so why make one loaf, when you can make two?

So it doesn’t matter if you can’t cook very well, it’s the thought and the love that goes into it that counts. Have fun in the kitchen once in a while and involve your loved ones. Maybe you can make cooking together a regular thing and not a chore, (you can start off  with beans on toast or bacon and pancakes- bacon’s always a winner!) 🙂

Author: chopstixfix

Michelle Ng is a Brit born Chinese-Malaysian who has loved food since time immemorial. She is a firm believer in "Live to Eat, not Eat to Live".

4 thoughts on “CookForFamily Day! Show the family love :)

  1. Ridiculous is the word. Your mom sure knows how to cook up a bomb!

  2. Thanks for contributing to #CookForFamily … with love from Singapore!!

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